Sunday, July 5, 2009

New Releases - July 7th, 2009

Hello again, not too many new releases this week, but a couple of bigger titles. 'The Unborn' should give you that old high-end horror feeling you may have been missing lately, we've also got 'Knowing,' which might look a bit hokey at first glance, but enough critics have said there are good ideas hidden under the supernatural thriller trappings that I'm actually pretty optimistic. Also of some interest is 'Before Tomorrow,' which the DVD case tells me is "the final chapter in the trilogy of The Fast Runner and The Journals of Knud Rasmussen" even though Zacharias Kunuk, the director of the first two films in the 'trilogy' is only an executive producer here. I absolutely loved The Fast Runner though, so if it's got Kunuk's stamp of approval, it's probably worth a second look.

New this week:

Before Tomorrow

Five Fingers



Night Train

The Unborn

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