Saturday, July 25, 2009

New Releases - July 28th, 2009

Hi there, this week's not exactly stunning, but right off the bat we've got the final release of the televisual juggernaut-du-jour, 'Battlestar Galactica.' Why not give it a rent, seeing as currently acquiring the complete series could ding you anywhere from $250 to $350? You sci-fi fans sure have deep pockets. We've also got 'Miss March,' which looks just like every other teen road trip sex romp ever made, except that it heavily features the 'Whitest Kids U'Know,' of whom this blog author was sometimes heard to remark 'they're the freshest thing in sketch comedy since The Kids in the Hall.' They're also an extremely rare case of a success story that started on the internet, that woeful economic afterlife where business models endlessly slay one another in gladiatorial combat. Please, watch some videos here, just not necessarily in front of the children. All this led me to hope that their feature film would be really good, but if I am to trust numerous reliable sources, it would seem that it is not. I'm watching it anyway. Speaking of internet success stories though, we've got Angel of Death, the DVD transcription of a web series starring the one and only Zoe Bell, the world's greatest player of "Ship's Mast" from Tarantino's 'Death Proof.' And further in an automotive vein, we also have 'Fast and Furious,' the last point on the parabolic trajectory of Vin Diesel's career before it's due to crash into a farmer's field in Iowa. And then there's 'Dollhouse' for all you Whedonites, 'Dragonball Evolution' for anyone who's curious how bad it really is, and 'The Fifth Commandment,' which looks like a fairly passable generic actioner. See you next week.

New this week:

An American Affair

Angel of Death

Battlestar Galactica Season 4.5


Dragonball Evolution

Fast and Furious

The Fifth Commandment

Miss March

The Union

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