Saturday, June 27, 2009

New Releases - June 30, 2009

Hello, and happy Canada Day! I missed reporting on last week's batch of releases, which surely represented the low-point in the current home video slump, because I really couldn't think of any constructive comment on things like 'The Pink Panther 2' and 'Inkheart.' I'll list them at the end of the post for completeness' sake. Thankfully, this week we're back in business with a large number of low-key niche releases that should provide something for everyone.

First, we've got 'Stone of Destiny,' a reportedly charming Scottish indie that did well at the Toronto Film Festival, and has had people asking after it ever since. It might be somewhat scarce on the shelf for a week or two, and good for it. Then there's 'Street Fighter: The Legend of Chun-Li,' and while no moral person would ever tell you that this is a good film, watching a truly awful kung-fu movie is a pleasure I'm sure some of you are no stranger to. Speaking of the sublimely awful, the revered Dr. Uwe Boll's new masterpiece, 'Tunnel Rats,' is ready to erode your faith in mankind. And for those of you who despair the end of the McCarthy witch hunts of the 1950s, we have the long-delayed home video release of 'Michael Moore Hates America,' thank God for that. Back on the bright side, there's 'Iron Maiden: Flight 666,' which I know some people have been asking about, and 'Tokyo!,' another short film triptych in the vein of the runaway success, 'Paris, Je T'Aime.' The last film I'm going to expand on is 'I.O.U.S.A.' which Dave tells me is a must-see. It's a documentary on the American national debt, a fascinating topic simply due to the sheer scale of statistics it produces, I'll be checking it out at the earliest opportunity. Apart from that, there's a smattering of thrillers, actioners, dramas, a TV show starring Danny McBride of the storied Apatowverse, just check the list and you'll probably find something to pique your interest.

New This Week:

12 Rounds

The Betrayed

The Code

Columbus Day

Eastbound and Down

The Exonerated


The Human Contract


Invasion Iowa

Iron Maiden: Flight 666

Michael Moore Hates America

Stone of Destiny

Street Fighter: The Legend of Chun Li


Tunnel Rats

New Last Week:

Confessions of a Shopaholic

Crossing Over

Dragon Hunters



Pink Panther 2

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