Sunday, May 31, 2009

New Releases - June 2nd, 2009

Hi again, the big stuff this week amounts to 'Defiance', which is only the sixth Nazi movie that was in theaters this past Christmas, 'He's Just Not That Into You,' an ensemble cast rom-com that left critics lukewarm but did some brisk business at the box office, and 'Revolutionary Road,' another suburban melodrama from the director of American Beauty that doesn't quite live up to the pedigree, but actually ends up pretty decent in its own right. To me, the film looked like it was going to be a chore to watch, but it's really quite well-made and the acting is unassailable. I enjoyed it a great deal to my mild surprise, so don't hesitate to give it a rent if it catches your eye. On the TV front, come and get your Weeds Season 4, I know people have been asking about it.

Lastly, we've got 'Fanboys,' and while you probably know already whether you're in the target audience for this one, I just wanted to give some attention to a trailer I came across for a film called '77. It's got a very similar concept to 'Fanboys,' and the trailer makes it looks really well done, especially for such a grass-roots film. I'm sure all the prospective filmmakers who count any of the last twenty years as being formative will see something of themselves there. I don't know what the distribution plans are, I just know I'd love to see the thing.

New this week:

Anacondas 4
He's Just Not That Into You
Prison Break Season 4
Revolutionary Road
Silent Venom
Spring Breakdown
Weeds Season 4

Sunday, May 24, 2009

New Releases - May 26, 2009

Hi again, nothing too huge is coming out this week, and I can't really blame them considering the flood of massive summer movies just unleashed in theaters. Still, we've got Outlander, which I can tell you without reservation is the best direct-to-video sci-fi/fantasy/horror film featuring both vikings and aliens I've seen so far this year.

That said, the hidden gem this week might just be 'The Sky Crawlers,' a new anime film from Mamoru Oshii, director of Ghost in the Shell and Patlabor. I didn't know what to make of it at first, but after reading this review, I'm quite looking forward to seeing it. Maybe it'll strike a chord with you.

Anyway, new this week:

Colour of Freedom
Devil's Tomb
Kill Buljo
New in Town
The Ramen Girl
Secret of Loch Ness
The Sky Crawlers
What Doesn't Kill You
Where God Left his Shoes

And before I forget, there's a fantastic little TV movie we just got back in stock featuring Philip Seymour Hoffman. It's a really well-made portrait of a man with a severe gambling addiction, and how the casinos and police manipulate him to their own ends. If you're interested, check the new arrivals for Owning Mahowny.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

New Releases - May 19, 2009

Hi again, this week our big titles are Valkyrie, a brisk, well-made and entertaining if somewhat unecessary political thriller, My Bloody Valentine, which I've heard is pretty amusing, and Paul Blart: Mall Cop, which I would not recommend to any human being, or even lower primates. Given it's high-rolling box office numbers though, I'm sure it doesn't need my help getting off the shelf. Also note True Blood Seson 1, a vampire drama created by Alan Ball, writer of American Beauty and Six Feet Under.

After a long stay, we've phased out Martin Scorsese in our featured directors section, and swapped in John Carpenter. He's pobably best know for Halloween and The Thing, the latter of which easily ranks as one of the best horror films ever made, but if you've never seen Escape from New York or They Live, you owe it to yourself. Anyone have a suggestion for who to feature after Stanley Kubrick wears out his welcome? Leave a comment.

New this week:

Paul Blart: Mall Cop
My Bloody Valentine
Dr. Dolittle: Million Dollar Mutts
Beautiful Ohio
Blind Date
Driven to Kill
Forever Strong
True Blood Season 1

Thursday, May 14, 2009

New Releases - May 12, 2009

Hello everyone, I've let the blog slip the last few weeks due to moving into a new apartment, but I shall now redouble my efforts.

One thing I have to do is recommend that everyone come in and immediately rent "The Fall." This is a wildly irresponsible thing to do, because we only have one copy, but I'm nevertheless compelled because I just watched it and it blew my socks off. It's been in circulation for a while now, but I would recommend this film to nearly anyone. It's basically an unrestricted tribute to imagination from the director of "The Cell," and if you've seen that film you'll understand how high the bar is set for artistic design in his work, and let me tell you, he's completely outdone himself. This is one of those films that slips by, and years later you look back and wonder how it could have been released with so little fanfare. It's got some pacing problems near the end, but that doesn't even begin to diminish the achievement. So next time you're trying to fill out a 3 for 12.99 deal, just pick it up.

Anyway, the current new releases are:

Underworld: Rise of the Lycans
Nothing But the Truth
The Grudge 3
S. Darko: A Donnie Darko Tale
The Last Word
High Hopes
It's Not Me, I Swear!
For the Love of a Dog
State of Play (BBC TV series)

Friday, May 8, 2009

Sale On Now: 3rd Previously Viewed Movie is Free

Previously Viewed Movies - Buy 2, Get 1 Free

I'm pleased to announce we're having another sale of previously viewed movies. Just buy three PV movies together, and the lowest-priced movie is free.

Our entire stock of PV DVDs are eligible, but Blu-ray movies are not included in the sale. Hurry in, the best titles won't last long.